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Staying Sober During the Holidays

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The holidays are a fun time to spend with friends and family; however, the holidays can also be detrimental to your recovery journey. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, about 40%-60% of individuals relapse after receiving addiction treatment. And, the holidays are an especially vulnerable time to maintaining your sobriety.  Unfortunately, the holidays involve many triggers for recovering addicts which can potentially jeopardize your road to recovery. In this article, you’ll learn several top tips on how staying sober during the holidays is possible.

At Veritas Detox, we offer premier California addiction treatment to help recovering addicts achieve life-long sobriety. Using a personalized approach, we provide a range of addiction treatments to help as many patients as possible safely and effectively overcome addiction. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you break free of addiction. 

7 Tips to Staying Sober During the Holidays 

Staying sober during the holidays doesn’t have to be complicated. Follow the below tips to help maintain your sobriety during the holiday season. 

1. Have An Exit Plan for Events

There are so many fun holiday parties and events to go to, which can be a great time to spend with friends and family. However, be sure to have an exit plan in place for these events, as you may experience triggers, especially if you are a recovering alcoholic. For example, consider driving yourself to a holiday party, rather than relying on someone else to drive you.

2. Ask for Support From Trusted Friends or Family

Next, ask for support from trusted family and friends during the holiday season. They’ll not only act as people you can lean on in times of need, but they’ll keep you accountable to maintain your sobriety. 

3. Set Clear Boundaries

You’ll also want to set and maintain clear boundaries during the holiday season. You may feel pressured to drink around the holidays; therefore, maintaining clear boundaries from the beginning will help reduce your risk of jeopardizing your recovery. 

4. Don’t Be Afraid to Say No

Similar to the above point, you should never feel too afraid to say no when it comes to maintaining your sobriety. Whether it’s turning down a drink from a friend or family member, don’t feel the need to people-please or explain yourself when turning down a drink during the holidays. 

5. Practice Self-Care

The holidays are a hectic time that can interfere with your self-care routine. Don’t forget to practice self-care during the holiday season. This will help you not only reduce your stress levels but also help you feel stronger and in control when it comes to maintaining your sobriety. 

6. Seek Additional Support From Support Groups

You can also always seek additional support from support groups in your community. This can be a great way not only to keep you accountable on your recovery journey but also to meet new friends within your community who understand what you’re going through on your recovery journey. 

7. Plan Ahead and Prepare Your Responses

Plan ahead and prepare your responses if you are planning on going to an event or holiday party where you know alcohol may be involved. If you are attending a holiday party, chances are alcohol may be offered there. Therefore, coming up with a preplanned response on how to decline a drink from someone at a party, or holding a mocktail can go a long way in helping reduce the pressure of feeling like you have to drink at the party. 

All in all, while the holidays are a fun time to celebrate with friends and family, you should never feel pressured to drink or abuse drugs during the holiday season. As long as you plan ahead and maintain your boundaries, this can go a long way in maintaining your sobriety during the holiday season and beyond!

Ready to Start Your Recovery Journey 

Staying sober during the holidays doesn’t have to be complicated. The above tips can help you avoid triggers and maintain your sobriety while still being able to enjoy the holiday season. If you or someone you know is struggling with addiction, help is available.

At Veritas Detox, we are committed to helping individuals overcome addiction and lead a healthier, happier quality of life. We offer a comprehensive range of treatment options to best support you on your road to recovery. Ready to break free of addiction once and for all? Contact us today!

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