At Veritas Detox, we help clients discover a life free from addiction. Unlike other treatment centers, we treat our clients as real people, not addicts. You’ll have the freedom to really express yourself. You’ll be free from unneeded judgments. You’ll gain a better understanding of who you are and the root cause of your substance abuse. This is all done in a welcoming environment where you’ll reside on very comfortable grounds and lodging. At the end of your treatment, you’ll see that life has so much more to offer than drugs and alcohol.
How to Prepare For Treatment
What Happens After Check-In?
When you arrive, you’ll undergo the initial intake process. You’ll meet with our admissions staff to fill out the necessary paperwork. Next, you’ll meet with the medical team to begin the health screening processes that check your vitals and blood levels. The results of your health screening will establish a baseline and medical chart, which will be used to closely monitor your health during your recovery.
Within the first 72 hours, you’ll meet with a licensed social worker who will administer a biopsychosocial assessment, which analyzes the biological, psychological, and social factors that have contributed to your condition. This assessment will influence the clinical treatment plan during your residential inpatient stay. Your treatment plan is personalized to your needs, and may even adapt and change as you progress through the recovery process.
During the early stages of your stay, you will undergo a detox, which is supervised by our onsite MD. Detox typically last for two to seven days, but it can be longer depending on the nature of the substance abuse. Depending on your detox protocol, you will be prescribed comfort medications like Suboxone to manage your withdrawal symptoms.
What Happens After Detox?
After a successful detox, our residential inpatient program really focuses on internal work to identify and work through the root cause of your addiction. The residential inpatient program typically lasts for 30-45 days. You’ll have private sessions with an assigned psychiatrist twice a week, group therapy sessions weekly, daily exercise, yoga and meditation sessions, massage therapy, and so much more. Our treatment philosophy is holistic and is designed to addressed all the areas that addiction has impacted your life.
What Happens After You Leave
The moment you leave our doors is where lasting progress is made, so we offer continued care services that put you in a strong position to remain on-track. At this stage, we’ve helped our clients work through their relationship issues by scheduling relationship and marriage therapy sessions with their significant other. We’ve put clients on better career paths by helping them issues at work. Recommended and connected them with other complementary facilities and therapy centers to continue their road to recovery. You’ll also have access to an Alumni community that is always ready to help you and provide guidance during your journey.
Tour Facility
Our Los Angeles drug & alcohol addiction treatment center offers a beautiful and peaceful environment to begin your journey of healing. Take a virtual tour of our breathtaking treatment facility.
Verify Insurance
Find out if your insurance will cover your treatment. Fill out the form and one of our treatment consultants will contact you regarding your insurance coverage and how you start the admissions process.
Treatment Options
We offer the full spectrum of drug and alcohol addiction treatment. Our treatment includes detox, inpatient care, and aftercare planning on an individualized level. We’re excited to help you break free from addiction.
Request a 100% Confidential Callback
Still have questions? Request a callback or give us a call today.
- No Obligation When You Call
- All Contact Is Confidential
- JCAHO Accredited Facility
- Expert and Caring Staff
- 5-Star Rated Programming
Let Veritas Detox Help You Heal
Recovery doesn’t end upon the completion of the program. The return to your daily life will present challenges and temptations, but we have your back to help you overcome. We provide Aftercare services to keep you on track. Our Aftercare work includes giving you access to resources that will connect you to support groups, help with job searches and finding a new career, family support sessions with a therapist, and so much more. You’ll also have access to an Alumni community that is always willing to provide help and guidance to others who have completed the program.
We are Here for You.
Our team is dedicated to your well-being. We offer hope to those who feel lost and empower individuals to build a life of their dreams.
We Accept Most Insurance Providers
Veritas Detox works with most insurance providers. Our admissions team works around-the-clock to ensure that those that need help have the access to get it. Verify your benefits and one of our treatment consultants will get back to you with more information on how you can get started.
What Our Clients Say About Us
Veritas came highly recommended and lived up to any expectations I might have had. I traveled halfway across the country to a place completely foreign to me in California and felt comfortable almost immediately which provided for a solid foundation in my Recovery...
Dan W.
A little over a month ago I was home struggling with a bad drug problem. I had gotten a hold of a recruiter & they suggested “Veritas” in Los Angeles CA. This place is absolutely amazing & very helpful. The staff are great as well as their personal Chef. The meals are great & everything else is. It’s a very comfortable place...
Zach F.
Veritas has been life saving and life changing for my son, which has made a profound impact on our family, as a whole. My son has struggled with drug addiction since his late teens. He is about to turn 25, next month. He has been to detox/treatment multiple (4) times, but I truly feel this will be his last. He is 40+ days sober with a brand new zest for (sober) life...
Kelly F.
I'm not typically one for writing reviews but I truly believe this place saved my son's life. After numerous attempts to get clean in our area, we thought it was best to get away from the people and places that brought him to this point. His therapist was amazing and I feel that he finally got the one-on-one help that he actually needed!