Recovery is an ongoing process, so it’s important that you have an alumni family that you can leverage as you progress on your journey. Veritas Detox is a Los Angeles drug and alcohol detox treatment center with an ever-growing network of past clients. Our program graduates are always willing to provide guidance, lift spirits, and start lasting friendships.

People incorrectly assume that you beat addiction once you finish rehab. The truth is that this is where the journey really begins. Once you exit our doors, you will be tested and tempted to fall back into your old lifestyle. Having a network of support to help you work through these challenges and temptations can keep you steady on your path to recovery.

The Veritas Alumni Family is comprised of people from all backgrounds. These are people who have been in your shoes and have encountered some of the same obstacles as you. These are people you can pull from, ask questions, and receive guidance— without the worry of harsh judgments. Having people who experienced a similar journey as you is invaluable. There is power in knowing that you are not alone.