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Can Cocaine Cause Anxiety?

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Can Cocaine Cause Anxiety?

Cocaine is a highly addictive substance that many people struggle with. Research suggests that millions of people abuse and are addicted to cocaine. Cocaine is a powerful substance that can not only harm your body but also hurt your brain and lead to worsening mental health issues. In this article, you’ll learn more about can cocaine cause anxiety, and how cocaine can cause worsening anxiety symptoms below. 


At Veritas Detox, we are a leading drug and alcohol detox center committed to helping patients safely and effectively break free from addiction and regain control of their health for the better. No more suffering in silence with your addiction. Our compassionate team of addiction specialists and mental health professionals are here to help you receive the tailored care you need to lead a healthier life. Contact us today to learn more about how we can best support your road to recovery.

Can Cocaine Cause Anxiety? 

Interested in learning more about the question “can cocaine cause anxiety?”


The answer is yes, people who abuse cocaine can experience anxiety. While this does not mean that everyone who abuses cocaine will experience anxiety, this does mean that many cocaine addicts and recovering cocaine addicts experience anxiety. This is because cocaine is a stimulant that ultimately negatively impacts your brain and body. From raising your heart rate to feeling on edge from cocaine abuse, all these side effects of abusing cocaine can inevitably contribute to an individual experiencing anxiety. 

Why Can Cocaine Cause Anxiety Side Effects?

Cocaine is a powerful drug that disrupts your brain and causes various physical side effects, like raising your heart rate and blood pressure. Keep reading to learn more about why people can experience anxiety while abusing cocaine below. 

  • Physical Effects of Cocaine Use

First, cocaine is a strong stimulant that can lead to many physical side effects in the body which can lead you to experience anxiety. For instance, when you abuse cocaine, you experience a rise in your natural heart rate and blood pressure which are also physical symptoms you typically experience when you are struggling with anxiety. Additionally, abusing cocaine can make it difficult for you to relax, thus can lead to worsening anxiety symptoms. 

  • Long-Term Cocaine Use Can Lead to Ongoing Anxiety

As briefly explained above cocaine use can cause disruptions in your brain chemistry. Therefore, long-term cocaine use can inevitably lead to chronic anxiety symptoms as your brain will have a difficult time relaxing, and will constantly feel “on edge” or unstable because of abusing cocaine. It’s important to understand that getting sober after abusing cocaine can help diminish anxiety symptoms. This is why it’s critical to get clean if you are struggling with a cocaine addiction so you can improve your physical and mental health and well-being. 

  • History of Anxiety Can Lead to Worsening Symptoms with Cocaine Use

Finally, if you have already had a history of anxiety before abusing cocaine, and you start abusing and becoming dependent on cocaine, this can typically lead to a worsening of anxiety symptoms. This is again because cocaine can cause physical, mental, and cognitive changes to your brain and body, making you feel more restless, anxious, and unstable mentally.


If you suspect you may be struggling with a cocaine addiction and anxiety disorder, it’s important to consider seeking dual diagnosis treatment to ensure you are able to effectively treat both conditions at the same time. Otherwise, failure to treat one condition can increase your risk of relapsing. 

Help Is Available 

Now you know more about the question “can cocaine cause anxiety”. When you abuse cocaine, it can cause a series of physical, mental, and cognitive disruptions from elevating your heart rate and blood pressure, to causing you to experience mood swings, anxiety, and restlessness. If you are struggling with a cocaine addiction or another SUD, it’s critical you seek professional help to safely and effectively overcome your addiction. 

At Veritas Detox, we are a premier drug rehab that helps patients safely overcome addiction and lead a healthier, happier quality of life. Gone are the days of suffering alone with your addiction. We provide a wide variety of treatment options to ensure you receive a personalized treatment plan best suited for your unique recovery needs. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you lead a healthier, happier life.

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