Worried that your loved ones are abusing drugs? If so, then read on because in this article we are going to go over the signs and symptoms of using drugs that you should look out for if you suspect a loved one might be using.
Why Are Signs and Symptoms of Using Drugs Important?
Since 1999, overdose deaths have killed nearly one million people in the United States. That compares to the same number of people in San Jose, California, the tenth-most populous city in the country.
Just think about that for a second—losing the equivalent of an entire city’s population in nearly a decade to drug abuse—an absolute tragedy. One that highlights the seriousness of the US drug epidemic.
If it sounds scary, it’s because it’s. It’s never been this important to know the signs a person is using drugs. Doing so could mean the difference between life and death for our loved ones.
It is important to know the signs of drug abuse so that we can be of assistance to our loved ones who may be silently suffering from substance abuse.
The use of drugs is still highly taboo in many parts of the world. It is almost inherently natural for addicts to hide their consumption habits until they can no longer tolerate them.
Signs a Person Is Using Drugs
The disease of addiction doesn’t discriminate, it affects people of all walks of life, and sometimes it affects those closest to us, like our children, friends, or spouses.
Being able to recognize the signs of addiction and offer a helping hand when they appear can literally mean the difference between life and death.
There are a few warning signs to watch out for if you suspect that someone you love is using drugs and needs treatment.
The signs a person is using drugs are split into three main categories:
- Physical signs of drug abuse
- Behavioral signs of drug abuse
- Psychological signs of drug abuse
The effects of different drugs on individuals will vary; however, in this article, we will discuss the most common side effects associated with different drugs.
Physical Drug Use Symptoms
Physical signs a person uses drugs can be observed in the body. These may be more noticeable while a person uses drugs, but they are still present after they’ve sobered up.
Common physical drug signs include:
- Red or irritated eyes
- Dilated pupils
- Tremors or seizures
- Quick unexplained weight changes
- Extreme lethargy
- Strange odors on clothes like chemicals or smoke
- Jaw clenching
- Irregular sleep patterns
- Markings or bruising on the skin
- Being too hot or too cold
- Burn marks on fingers
- Skin peeling in the palm of the hand
- Getting sick often
- Having a heavily congested nose often
Behavioral Drug Use Symptoms
Drug addiction alters addicts’ thinking, resulting in altered behaviors, diminished mental health, and poor life choices.
Even when addicts attempt to hide the physical signs of addiction, behavioral signs of drug abuse can be observed.
The most common behavioral drug signs include:
- Changes in social circles
- Secrecy, dishonesty, and deceit
- Lack of participation in family activities, sports, and other hobbies
- Signs of financial distress
- Problems with the law
- Not meeting responsibilities including at work and at home
- Not being able to locate the addict or them disappearing for days
- Not showing up to important events or meetings
- Only communicates when they need a favor or money
- If an addict smokes cigarettes or drinks, they may be doing it more than usual
- Isolation
Psychological Drug Use Symptoms
Chemical imbalances caused by drugs alter the chemistry of the brain, altering users’ psychology. It will be evident as the addiction progresses that thought patterns and beliefs are changing.
Common psychological drug signs include:
- Changes in personality
- Paranoia
- Being obsessed over things
- Showing symptoms of depression or anxiety
- Slurred speech
- Being overly excited or relaxed
- Showing signs of bipolar disorder or strong mood swings
- Being overly negative, angry, or irritable
- Lacks motivation
- Lacking empathy for others
How to Help Someone Using Drugs
Did you spot any signs and symptoms of using drugs on someone you care for? If so, then help is needed!
Families and friends of loved ones who are addicted to drugs and alcohol can seek help from Veritas Detox. To help your loved one stay sober, we use an evidence-based, holistic approach that identifies the root cause of drug abuse.
Contact a recovery expert at Veritas Detox today to schedule a consultation!