What Are the Symptoms of Cocaine Withdrawal?

What are the Symptoms of Cocaine Withdrawal?

Cocaine is an illegal drug with a high potency that resembles a white powder. The drug acts quickly on the body, releasing an excess of chemicals in the brain that produce feelings of euphoria, which eventually leads to addiction and physical dependence. A cocaine withdrawal occurs when the addict stops consuming after a prolonged period of cocaine abuse. 

Understanding what are the withdrawal symptoms of cocaine and how to treat them is the first step in helping our loved ones achieve sobriety.

What Are the Health Risks Associated with Cocaine Addiction?

Using drugs is bad, we all know that – if they weren’t, they’d probably be legal. When it comes to cocaine, we are talking bad-bad, end-up-homeless or dead kind of bad. Cocaine’s-claws grip the ego and create a physical and psychological dependency that the addict can’t control.

One could point out countless tragedies that are caused by cocaine addiction; losing a job, having poor relations, being involved in accidents, becoming broke financially – all of which are considered to be “repairable” with sobriety; however, the point of main concern is the irreparable health damages that can be caused by cocaine abuse.

The most common health risks long-term cocaine exposure causes include:

  • Nose bleeds
  • Irreparable damage to nose cartilages
  • Respiratory infections 
  • Risk of dementia
  • Heart problems
  • Seizures
  • Stroke
  • Overdose and death

So if it’s not all fun and games and cocaine is so harmful then why is it abused so much?

The answer may be found in understanding what are the withdrawal symptoms of cocaine.

What Are the Withdrawal Symptoms of Cocaine?

Withdrawal symptoms occur when prolonged users stop taking cocaine abruptly. Symptoms of withdrawal from cocaine may last for days and can also be experienced in between doses. 

Short-Term Symptoms of Withdrawal From Cocaine

Cocaine acts quickly on the body releasing feelings of euphoria, the feelings, however, are short-lived. Shortly after dosing, the user experiences cravings which prompt him or her to take more cocaine, each time delivering less potency and requiring higher doses to reach the same high. With each passing dose, the cravings become more and more unmanageable, making it very difficult for an addict to stop. 

Short-term withdrawal symptoms such as the one described above are one of the main reasons why addicts have such a difficult time stopping, and why it’s recommended that detox from cocaine be managed by a recovery expert.

Aside from strong cravings, insomnia and anxiety are also frequent short-term withdrawal symptoms of cocaine use. Left to their own devices, cocaine addicts tend to resort to heavy drinking, or taking other depressants such as sleep aids to help them combat the short-term withdrawal symptoms of cocaine.

Long-Term Symptoms of Withdrawal From Cocaine

Symptoms of withdrawal from cocaine may last anywhere from a couple of hours to a couple of days. Understanding what are the withdrawal symptoms of cocaine can help us better gauge when it’s time to seek professional help.

Symptoms of a cocaine withdrawal include:

  • Agitation
  • Depression and suicidal thoughts
  • Fatigue
  • Feelings of discomfort (Uncomfortable in one’s own skin)
  •  Increase in appetite
  • Anxiety
  • Vivid and unpleasant dreams
  • Slowing of activity

Given some of these symptoms may be life-threatening, its best to get professional help as soon as they are noticed.

Where To Get Help

If a loved one is experiencing short or long-term symptoms of cocaine withdrawal then it’s important to get them into a drug treatment center to prevent severe health risks from developing. 

Now that you know what are the withdrawal symptoms of cocaine, it’s time to take action.

Veritas Detox offers cocaine detox programs to help you or your loved ones get sober and stay that way.

Help is available 24 hours a day and 7 days a week at no cost or obligation. Speak to one of Veritas recovery experts, to seek the help you and your loved ones need. 

Contact Veritas Detox today!